AI,IP & International Law

Who Owns Generative AI ?

The fact that machines are demonstrating human-like acumen and engaging in activities that were once restricted to humans is increasingly becoming prevalent creating questions across various contexts including the legal sphere. In the context of intellectual property (IP), there are a plethora of questions including data training of Al technologies, ownership of inputs and outputs and the extent to which law and policy is adequate to respond to the various shades of concerns posed by Al. One of the areas where these questions are significantly emerging surrounds the ownership of generative Al (GEN-AI). GEN-Al is a sub-set of deep learning Al that creates content in the form of text, audio, images or videos. Some of these Gen Al models include ChatGPT, Dall-E and Midjourney. These models are widely applicable across various contexts including arts and entertainment, finance, education, and healthcare. This brief presents an overview on the question of ownership of GEN Al in the context of IP.

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